Recherche comptable contemporaine (RCC)

Recherche comptable contemporaine (RCC), qui figure sur la liste des 50 principales revues de gestion du Financial Times et se classe quatrième sur la liste des meilleures revues comptables de Google Scholar, a conservé sa cote A* dans la liste des meilleures revues de l’Australian Business Deans Council en 2019. En 2019, RCC a présenté un facteur d’impact sur cinq ans de 3,41 et un CiteScore de 4,30.

En date du 1er mai 2020, grâce au solide soutien de son équipe de rédacteurs, RCC a mis en œuvre un programme de reconnaissance des réviseurs. Ce programme vise à souligner annuellement la contribution de réviseurs, nommés par les rédacteurs, qui effectuent régulièrement des révisions de qualité exceptionnelle dans les délais impartis. En regard de la longue tradition de RCC en matière de production de révisions judicieuses et constructives, le fait d’être reconnu dans le cadre de ce programme est un accomplissement remarquable. Parmi les 866 personnes qui ont présenté des révisions de grande qualité lors de la période de 12 mois se terminant le 30 avril 2022, les rédacteurs ont jugé que l’apport des 20 personnes énumérées ci-dessous méritait tout particulièrement d’être souligné. Félicitations et merci à chacun de vous!

  • Bradley Blaylock, The University of Oklahoma
  • Christoph Feichter, WU Vienna
  • Daniele Macciocchi, University of Miami
  • Erik Beardsley, University of Illinois
  • Fabio Gaertner, University of Wisconsin–Madison
  • Henri Guénin, Université Laval
  • Jeffrey Burks, University of Notre Dame
  • Kara Obermire, Oregon State University
  • Kyonghee Kim, Michigan State University
  • Lin Cheng, China Europe International Business School
  • Nate Newton, Florida State University
  • Prabhu Sivabalan, University of Technology Sydney
  • Richard Crowley, Singapore Management University
  • Ryan Guggenmos, Cornell University
  • Sara Toynbee, The University of Texas at Austin
  • Sarah Stein, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
  • Stacie Kelley Laplante, University of Wisconsin–Madison
  • Stephannie Larocque, University of Notre Dame
  • Sunhwa Choi, Seoul National University
  • Tzachi Zach, The Ohio State University

En 2019 et en 2020, nous avons eu le plaisir de traiter plus de 600 soumissions pour la revue et le colloque.

Nous nous employons actuellement à rationaliser et à réviser l'information ci-dessous. Au cours du processus, elle sera disponible seulement en anglais. Nous vous remercions pour votre patience. 

Who We Are

View the Editorial Board list

Contemporary Accounting Research is the premier research journal of the Canadian Academic Accounting Association (CAAA). Since its inception in Autumn of 1984, CAR has grown both in size and in popularity, and now finds itself ranked in the top handful of academic accounting journals worldwide. Serving a global audience, CAR is of particular interest to accounting academics, PhD students, and practitioners.

What We Do

CAR is an academic research journal published under the auspices of the CAAA. One volume per calendar year is published, each volume consisting of four issues. Occasionally special issues and/or monographs are released which are dedicated solely to a project of research. These issues supplement the regular annual issues.

What We Publish

CAR is a multi-focus journal that accepts and publishes academic papers from any area of accounting, auditing, and tax research. As dictated in the Aims and Scope of the journal, CAR is dedicated to the advancement of accounting knowledge and provides a forum for the publication of high quality manuscripts with original theoretical/empirical analyses, either basic or applied in nature, that are of interest to the Canadian accounting community. Creative interdisciplinary papers and articles stemming from research paradigms rooted in various disciplines, that advance the understanding of accounting phenomena, are also encouraged. Please see the submission guidelines for detailed information.

Where We Came From

The first issue of Contemporary Accounting Research was published in 1984 under the capable direction of founding editor, Haim Falk (University of Calgary/McMaster University). Starting off small, the first volume numbered only 273 pages, but already boasted an impressive list of papers accepted for subsequent issues. As interest in the journal grew, so did the volume of papers both submitted to, and accepted by, CAR. By the time Haim Falk's term was up in 1989, the journal had secured the position of Canada's foremost academic accounting journal. So great was the interest in CAR, that Volume 6 (co-edited by Haim Falk and the new editor William Scott [University of Waterloo]) numbered 961 pages and had to split into three issues.

Bill Scott carried on the tradition of furthering the scope and reputation of the journal until the reins were passed, in 1992, to the third editor, Michael Gibbins (University of Alberta). Dr. Gibbins, supported by an 45 person editorial board added two new divisions to the journal between 1992 and 1995; a section dedicated to the research of accounting education (Education Research), and one to replications, reanalyses, and updates of previous works (Improvements and Updates). 1994 marked the ten-year anniversary of Contemporary Accounting Research and was "celebrated" with an article in the journal which showed recent research studies placing CAR among the top four leading accounting journals worldwide. 

The reins were passed in May of 1995 to the next editor, Lane Daley, from the University of Alberta. Dr. Daley had to resign in April 1997, because of ill health. Dr. Michael Gibbins served as interim editor until July 1, 1997, when Dr. Gerald Feltham and Dr. Dan Simunic of the University of British Columbia took over. Dr. Gordon D. Richardson of the University of Toronto assumed the editorship of CAR on January 1, 2001 to December 31, 2006. Dr. Michel Magnan of The John Molson School of Business, Concordia University held the editorship of CAR from January 1, 2007 to April 30, 2010. From 2010 until April 30, 2013, Dr. Steven Salterio of the Queen's School of Business at Queen's University was the Editor (in-Chief). Dr. Patricia C. O'Brien from the University of Waterloo is the current Editor-in-Chief since May 1, 2013.

When We Publish

CAR is released quarterly, in the Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. Release dates are set as follows:  

  • Spring issue - March
  • Summer issue - June
  • Fall issue - September
  • Winter issue - December

A two-day conference is held each year.

The financial grant of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada is greatly appreciated.

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