Symposium sur les méthodes qualitatives

Qualitative Methods Symposium 2024 Fr 20230907

Nous avons le plaisir d'annoncer qu'une troisième édition du symposium sur les méthodes qualitatives portant sur l'audit, la gouvernance et le professionnalisme en contexte aura lieu dans le cadre du congrès de l'ACPC 2024 à Halifax. L'objectif du symposium est de promouvoir le développement de la recherche qualitative et d'offrir un espace positif aux chercheurs de tous les horizons et de tous les milieux pour présenter leurs recherches. Nous reconnaissons le soutien du CPA Ontario pour l'information et le professionnalisme des entreprises de l'Université Queen's.

JEUDI 13 JUIN 2024
8:20 a.m. -
8:30 a.m.
Welcome from the Symposium organizers

Bertrand Malsch (Queen’s University) and Anna Samsonova-Taddei (HEC Montréal)

8:30 a.m. -
9:10 a.m.
Human issues with a silencing technology: A case study of tacit coordination behind blockchain and smart contracts

Mélissa Fortin (UQAM) and Kai DeMott (Concordia University)

9:15 a.m. -
9:55 a.m.
Auditing the going concern assumption: Unfoding uncertainty and imaginaries

Sameh Amer (University of Manchester), Anna Samsonova-Taddei (HEC Montréal) and Omiros Georgiou (University of Birmingham)

Pause café
10:15 a.m. -
10:55 a.m.
Social construction and political struggles in the auditors’ evaluation process in the Big 4 firms

Claire Garnier (KEDGE Business School), Sébastien Stenger (ISG) and Thomas Roulet (University of Cambridge)

11:00 a.m. -
11:40 a.m.
Being “Big” in a small economy: Community capital and local culture in Newfoundland professional service firms

Ryan Stack (Acadia University) and Bertrand Malsch (Queen’s University)

12:45 p.m. -
13:25 p.m.
Plenary session: "Qualitative Wizards and Quantitative Muggles: Bridging Worlds for Greater Prominence of the Qualitative Field"

Eldar Maksymov (Arizona State University)

13:30 p.m. -
14:10 p.m.
The symbolic use of information technology: A case of blockchain and stigma management of auditors

Erica Pimentel (Queen’s University), Mélissa Fortin (UQAM) and Kai DeMott (Concordia University)

14:15 p.m. -
14:55 p.m.
Exploring the juxtaposition between the juridical and processual lives of the charity trustee in England and Wales

Rani Suleman (HEC Montréal)

Pause café
15:15 p.m. -
15:55 p.m.
Ethical tides in financial waters – analyzing moral pluralism in institutional divestment from fossil fuels

Darlene Himick (University of Ottawa)and Marion Brivot (Université Laval)

Fin du symposium


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Land Acknowledgement

We would like to acknowledge that the Canadian Academic Accounting Association (CAAA) operates within the traditional territories of the First Nations, Métis, and Inuit (FNMI) populations of Turtle Island (Canada). We recognize and honour the enduring presence of FNMI populations as the original stewards of this land, and we acknowledge the harms and injustices they have faced due to colonization. We express our gratitude for the opportunity to gather, learn, and work on this land. As we continue our journey, we commit to fostering greater understanding, respect, and reconciliation with Indigenous populations.

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