Director and Board of Electors

The Canadian Accounting Hall of Fame is managed by a Director who reports to the Canadian Academic Accounting Association. The selection of nominees and the induction process is independent of the CAAA. A Board of Electors, representative of various segments of Canadian accounting, selects inductees to the Canadian Accounting Hall of Fame.

Ron Salole CAHF Director-Elect


Ron Salole FCA (England and Wales)
Director, The Canadian Accounting Hall of Fame

Much of Ron’s career was focused on financial reporting standard setting in Canada culminating in his appointment as Vice-President, Standards, Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants in 2005. He retired in 2013. As Vice President he was responsible for ensuring that positions on standard-setting boards and their oversight councils reflected high-achieving individuals from public practice, academe, industry, finance, NPOs and government. As well, Ron served in different capacities with Canadian foundations and international standard setting boards. Throughout his career he led initiatives seeking to improve all aspects of financial reporting. He was the senior staff member when the initiatives to adopt international accounting and auditing standards were adopted.

He was honoured with the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Award and with the Distinguished Service Award by the Chartered Professional Accountants of Alberta.

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Ron started his standard setting career in 1977 as Research Director with the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants. He emigrated to Canada in 1981 on appointment as Project Manager, Research Studies with the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (now CPA Canada) in 1981. He progressed to work with accounting and auditing standard setting boards and their oversight councils as Assistant Director and Director.

From 1981-1984, Ron was treasurer and a member of the Executive Committee of the Canadian Academic Accounting Association.

His other activities included:

2015 – ­2018: Member of the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board. He was chair of one the IAASB’s Task Forces and a member of three others.

2016 – 2017: Head Judge, CPA Canada’s Corporate Reporting Awards Program.He wasresponsible for managing all aspects of this Program.

2013 – 2017:  Deputy Chairman, Canadian Audit and Accountability Foundation, and Chair of its Governance Committee.

2013 – 2014:  Deputy Chair, International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board.  Also, he was a member of this Board 2009-2012 while on the CICA’s staff. He chaired two Task Forces and was a member of four others.


Board of Electors


The Canadian Accounting Hall of Fame is managed by a Director who reports to the Canadian Academic Accounting Association.

The Director of the CAHF is appointed for a three-year term according to the procedures established by the CAAA for the appointment of journal editors. The Director may be reappointed for a maximum of two consecutive terms.

The Director implements the procedures for nominating and inducting individuals into the Canadian Accounting Hall of Fame. S/he conducts or commissions research to develop the annual list of nominees and biographies of inductees into the Canadian Accounting Hall of Fame.

The Director seeks innovative ways to enhance the value of the CAHF as an educational resource and archive of biographical history.

Board of Electors

The Board of Electors consists of no fewer than 4 and no more than twelve individuals representing practicing accountants, academics, management accountants and others with a direct interest in the development of the accounting profession in Canada.

Members of the Board of Electors serve staggered terms of three years each. Members may be reappointed for a maximum of two consecutive terms. There is an annual call for nominations to the Board of Electors.

Members of the Board of Electors are selected by the Director of the Canadian Accounting Hall of Fame in consultation with the President of the CAAA according to the following criteria:

(a)   willingness to advance the interests of the CAHF

(b)   a national or international reputation in accounting

(c)   contribute to diversity within the Board of Electors, as much as possible, on geographic location within Canada, competence in Canada’s official languages, functional specialty within accounting, and gender.

(d)   Active nominees to the CAHF are not eligible to serve as Electors, but Inductees are eligible to serve as Electors.

One member of the Board of Electors is appointed by the Director, in consultation with the President of the CAAA, as Deputy Director. This person shall act in the Director’s place should the Director be unable to serve.

Current Members of the Board of Electors

January 1, 2024



Beverley A. Brennan, FCPA, FCA – Edmonton. Retired; management consultant before joining Philom Bios Inc. an agricultural biotech company in 1987, V-P Finance (1988-2000), Director (1998 to 2007, when Company was sold).  Commissioner, Alberta Securities Commission (2006-12). Member of numerous government and corporate boards; chaired four Audit Committees. Very extensive service to accounting profession, including Chair, CICA Board of Governors 1998/9; Vice-Chair Canadian Performance Reporting Board 2000-05; and President, Institute of Chartered Accountants of Saskatchewan (1992/3). Term ends 2026.

Shelley Brown, FCPA, FCA, ICD.D, CM – Saskatoon.  Public accounting career started in Calgary with Clarkson Gordon; ended in Vancouver with Deloitte, on whose Board she sat for 12 years.   Service to CA profession included President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Saskatchewan, member of CICA Board of Governors for ten years, and being first Chair of CPA Canada.  Since retiring from public accounting appointed to Accounting Standards Oversight Council and boards of three public companies, and continues on academic and other not-for-profit boards. Honoured with FCPA designation from Saskatchewan, Alberta, BC and Ontario; with Lifetime Achievement Awards from Saskatchewan and BC; and with Order of Canada membership. Term ends 2024.

Paul Cherry, FCPA, FCA,OC was seconded by Coopers & Lybrand to be the first Chief Accountant of the Ontario Securities Commission in 1987. In Canada, He chaired the Emerging Issues Committee and the Accounting Standards Board. Internationally, he served as a Canadian member of the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) for seven years and was founding chair of the IASC Standing Interpretations Committee for four years. Recognized as a Fellow by the institutes in Ontario and New Brunswick. Awarded with ICAO Award of Outstanding Merit, Officer of the Order of Canada and Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal. Term ends 2026.

David Chiang, CPA, CA, CMC – Vancouver.  Currently Director of Ethics at one of Canada’s national accounting firms.  Previously, he held senior management and executive positions at CPABC, ACL Services Ltd, and CUE Datawest. In the community, David has served on various public sector boards including the BC College of Social Workers, Langara College and Community Living BC, as well as various volunteer roles with the accounting and legal regulators.  Term ends 2024.

Anne Fortin, PhD – Montréal. Full professor, Université du Québec à Montréal since 1997. Past President (2000-01), Canadian Academic Accounting Association (CAAA); winner of George Baxter Award for Outstanding Contributions to the CAAA (2016). Has published 50 refereed papers on various topics in accounting journals, and has received two awards for these; has presented many papers at refereed conferences. Deputy Director of CAHF. Term ends 2024. 

R. Paul Goodyear, FCPA, FCMA, is the Chief Financial Officer of the Salvation Army in Canada and Bermuda, with responsibility for the Army's assets in Canada and Bermuda of over $2 billion and annual revenues of over $900 million. His service to the Canadian profession has included membership of both the Accounting Standards Board and the Accounting Standards Oversight Council. He has also worked on international committees of the Army. He lives in rural Ontario, and periodically commutes to his office in Toronto. Term ends 2026.

Roch Huppé, FCPA, FCGA - Ottawa. Comptroller General of Canada (since 2017), with responsibility for government-wide direction and leadership for financial management, internal audit, federal assets and acquired services; also leads the Financial Management Transformation for the Government of Canada.  He is also a member of the Public Sector Accounting Board.  Previously CFO and Assistant Commissioner, Finance and Administration Branch, Canada Revenue Agency, and before that CFO at Fisheries and Oceans Canada.  Term ends 2025.

Daniel McMahon, FCPA, FCA – Trois-Rivieres, PQ. Retired; was Rector (President) of Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (2015-2020), and before that President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Quebec for 12 years. He played a key role in the unification of the profession in Quebec and across Canada. He served on the IFRS Advisory Board for 3 years, and on the Board of the Fédération Internationale des Experts-Comptables et Commissaires aux Comptes Francophones (FIDEF) for 4 years. Co-author of two texts, including one with 100% of the French market for 24 years (since 1996). Term ends 2026.

Scott Munro, FCPA, FCA – Vancouver. Deputy Chief Executive Officer for the First Nations Financial Management Board, since 2021. In this role he supports creation of a RoadMap that will offer pathways for economic reconciliation and implementation of UNDRIP. Also, he volunteers with AFOA Canada, and is the Vice-Chair of the Public Sector Accounting Board. Previously with Deloitte in Vancouver and London, England. Term ends 2025.

Dorothy Rice, FCPA, FCMA – Halifax. Chief Financial Officer of Electoral Finance at Elections Nova Scotia. Member of CPA Canada Board until September 2020; previously on CMA Canada Board, the national “Unification Board” made up of the three legacy boards, and various CMA committees, including the Competency Development Committee, the Nominating and Governance Committee, and the National FCMA Committee. Term ends 2025.

Gary Spraakman, PhD, FCPA, FCMA – Toronto.  Professor Emeritus and Senior Scholar, York University.  Before deciding on academic career had positions, in Ontario, Alberta and BC, in financial services, management consulting and a provincial government.  Publications and research record includes three books authored or co-authored, eight chapters in books, and dozens of refereed papers or presentations.  Served on several editorial boards; was President of Academy of Accounting Historians of American Accounting Association from 2019 to 2021.  Term ends 2024.

Land Acknowledgement

We would like to acknowledge that the Canadian Academic Accounting Association (CAAA) operates within the traditional territories of the First Nations, Métis, and Inuit (FNMI) populations of Turtle Island (Canada). We recognize and honour the enduring presence of FNMI populations as the original stewards of this land, and we acknowledge the harms and injustices they have faced due to colonization. We express our gratitude for the opportunity to gather, learn, and work on this land. As we continue our journey, we commit to fostering greater understanding, respect, and reconciliation with Indigenous populations.

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