The CAAA L.S. Rosen Outstanding Educator Award committee is very pleased to name Dr. François Brouard of Carleton University as the recipient of its 2022 award.
The committee recognizes Dr. Brouard’s excellence in teaching, his mentorship of students, his prolific publishing record, and his involvement in the accounting profession and his community.
Dr. Brouard is an innovative and visionary educator. Students find his teaching approach rigorous, disciplined, and fun. He has taught a broad range of disciplines from taxation and financial and managerial accounting to research methodology and entrepreneurship. He has taught in both French and English at the Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral levels. In recognition of his teaching excellence, Dr. Brouard has won several awards, including the Sprott Faculty Teaching Award, an award from the Ordre des Comptables Agréés du Québec, and a case-writing award from the Canadian Academic Accounting Association.
Dr. Brouard’s office hours are long, and he welcomes students’ questions, not only about coursework and their professional examinations, but also about their future professional careers. Through his work on the Final Uniform Examination courses and programs over the years, Dr. Brouard has contributed to the success of hundreds of students.
Dr. Brouard has also been very active in curriculum development for both university and non-university courses. He led a committee charged with developing a new entrepreneurship program at Carleton—under his leadership, this committee launched a unique, high-quality program that continues to have a significant, positive impact on the development of entrepreneurs.
Dr. Brouard has written hundreds of cases, teaching notes, and other materials to support his teaching activities. He has published several books, book chapters, and theses in addition to scholarly articles in refereed journals. He successfully holds several grant funds from SSCHRC and other sources.
Dr. Brouard also finds the time to be very active in the community. He has established tax clinics for non-profit organizations staffed by student volunteers. His community involvement and his interest in entrepreneurship led to the establishment of a research centre at Carleton—the Sprott Centre for Social Enterprise—with a mission is to foster teaching and research for the development of social enterprises.
As an accounting academic, Dr. Brouard has had an enormous impact. He was appointed project manager at the Ordre des Comptables Agréés du Québec to contribute to developing a professional education program better adapted to the changing “reality” of the accounting profession. He built a set of competencies expected from newly graduated accounting students. The program has had a significant impact on accounting education in Quebec—all universities have adapted or developed new programs in accordance with these new requirements.
Dr. Brouard has always been an ambassador of the accounting profession. His contributions have been recognized by the Ordre des CPA du Québec, which named him a Fellow CPA. Frequent presentations at top accounting conferences and at many universities speak to the esteem in which he is held within the profession.
In recognition of Dr. Brouard’s exceptional contributions to Canadian accounting education, and to our profession, we are honoured to present him with the CAAA L.S. Rosen Outstanding Educator Award.
Anna Czegledi, Conestoga College, (Chair)
Antonello Callimaci, University du Québec à Montréal
Osama El-Temtamy, Mount Royal University